Air Pollution May Cause More Premature Deaths In India

Air Pollution May Cause More Premature Deaths In India

NEW DELHI:  Air pollution could cause 6-9 million premature deaths by 2060, with India and China facing threat of maximum number of such mortalities, according to an OECD report.

The menace is also likely to cost 1 per cent of the global GDP, around $2.6 trillion annually, in terms of sick days, medical bills and reduced agricultural output, says the report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

'The Economic Consequences of Air Pollution' report said the outdoor air pollution caused more than 3 million premature deaths in 2010.

"Outdoor air pollution could cause 6 to 9 million premature deaths a year by 2060 and cost 1 per cent of global GDP - around USD 2.6 trillion annually - as a result of sick days, medical bills and reduced agricultural output, unless action is taken," the report said.

The projections imply a doubling, or even tripling, of premature deaths from dirty air - or one premature death every four or five seconds - by 2060, it added.

"The biggest rise in mortality rates from air pollution are forecast in India, China, Korea and Central Asian countries like Uzbekistan, where rising population and congested cities mean more people are exposed to power plant emissions and traffic exhaust," it said.

Premature death rates are forecast to be up to three times higher in 2060 than in 2010 in China and up to four times higher in India, it said.

The solution of air pollution use VAYUPURE ( purify the air.

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